Android Hacks
Perform these Small Hacks on Your Android Device and get better Performance. Do you feel underpowered with your current phone? Disappointed that is does not support applications that you would like to use? Overwhelmed with its short battery life or its inability to support intensive applications like professional photo editing etc? Bored of looking at the same desktop interface? Well the answer to all you problems lies in hacking your phone. Hacking you phone lets you be in control of your phone rather than just having a phone that limits you to just making calls and downloading selected application. Hackers have been hacking phones for a long time now. All major phones have been hacked in order to enable them to support features natively not possible. The iPhones get hacked as soon as they are released by a process called ‘jail breaking’. All android pones also get hacked and the process is referred to as ‘rooting’. The process may sound dangerous and perhaps even illegal but if done successfully it is worth the risk as it allows you to install new features and even improve your phone’s speed.
Without saying much more, here are some android hacks that you could do to improve your phone experience.
1. Change your phones desktop interface
If you fed up of your phone may be its time to give it a redo. Androids are considered to be the most adaptable phones on the market. It is highly versatile mainly because it has a vast number of customization that you can do. If you wish to change how you phone looks and feels there are plenty of applications out there. Apps like home ++ , launcherPro and GDE are some of the popular; with these you can install wallpapers, personalized icons and even widgets.
2. Install performance enhancing features
You must have noticed even if you dint realize that un-hacked phones have limited operating capabilities. Resource intensive applications often do not operate well on such phones. You can increase the phones processing power and allow it to run heavy apps by installing a ROM named cyanogenMod. CyanogenMod is a community built, free collection of phone model-dependant ROMs that can greatly improve and enhane the capabilities of your android.
3. Run android on your phone
Running android on a phone that isn’t natively meant for android but is capable of supporting it could be highly advantageous as well has may have some disadvantageous as well. If you ever wanted the features of an android but prefer the design of an iPhone, you can do so after jail breaking your iPhone. This hack is gaining popularity and some people are even coining it ‘iphodroid’. The disadvantage of such a hack is that once the hack has been done you have to implement power –management functions otherwise your phone will drain a full battery in about 60 min.
4. Fully controllable media center
Have you ever had the frustration of wanting to listen to a song on the move but realizing you haven’t uploaded it to your phone? Well now u needn’t anymore. By installing an app named G Mote you can access your entire medial collection as long as you have Wi-Fi streaming. This means you can have a fully functional and portable media system.
5. Save your battery without turning your phone off
If you often have think you are going to have a problem with your battery charge running out in times of need then turning your phone off and on is a thing of the past. Now you can use apps that limit your phones power consumption thereby increasing its battery life.
Article Labels: android phone hacks, top phones for hacking, lg android phone hacks expert top rated free, improve android phone performance, how to get a better performance of android